Plot: Nina (Mirrah Foulkes) is a zoologist and she is fascinated by the stories about the Tasmanian tiger, an animal long thought to be extinct. Despite the claims that the species died out, rumors persist that in the deep bush, some of the tigers have been spotted and Nina has a more personal account as well. Her sister was killed in some kind of brutal attack and a photograph taken during the incident reveals a unique footprint, one that Nina feels has to belong to a Tasmanian tiger. She learns this when she travels to the locale with some friends to continue her sister’s research, but the group has a close encounter with not just one potential local legend, but two. The tales of The Pieman, a violent cannibal, have circulated for countless years, but Nina and her friends soon discover that some legends are based in fact. What horrors await the friends as they push into the bush and once the violence erupts, will any of them manage to survive the onslaught?

Entertainment Value: I like the premise of Dying Breed, as it touches on two local legends and seems to promise an experience in line with The Hills Have Eyes, but the end result doesn’t live up to the concept. Instead, the movie is quite slow for much of the duration and while it does deliver some solid bloodshed & violence at times, there just isn’t much else on offer here. I normally can’t resist fringe locals on the warpath, but even that is rather wasted in Dying Breed and despite an interesting locale, little is done to put the setting to good use. The movie seems content to follow the usual horror movie tropes and never push into creative or memorable areas, a real shame, given the bush location and local legends involved. At the same time, the film isn’t that terrible either, just slow for long stretches. The movie never takes any risks and that lands it right in the middle of the mediocre pack. The cast is fine, but no one stands out as memorable and even the murderous locals don’t leave much of an impression. I can’t recommend this one with much gusto, but perhaps fans of The Pieman legend might get a little more out of this one.

A couple sex scenes are present here, but there’s little in terms of sleaze or even light nakedness to mention. Some bare ass is visible, but not much else can be seen, so don’t expect much in this arena. There is some bloodshed on showcase however, with a few nice and splashy sequences to talk about. A highlight for me was a bear trap encounter that resulted in multiple wounds, including a nice neck gusher. The neck trauma flows in another scene as well, when a throat slash yields some red stuff, while a pickax wound also adds some crimson to the experience. A few other, but less intense scenes are also around, so there’s a good amount of blood in Dying Breed. I just wish it was more consistent, as the slow stretches between action are a drag at times. So better pacing would have worked wonders here. The dialogue isn’t bad, but doesn’t bring much to the table beyond the basics. A couple humorous exchanges crop up, but barely enough to rack up a single point. As much as I hoped for craziness from the wild locals in this one, the movie just never pushes the envelope and sticks with the well worn tropes of the genre. So while the premise seems ripe with potential, aside from a couple of minor instances, the insanity is minimal in this one.

Nudity: 0/10

Blood: 5/10

Dialogue: 1/10

Overall Insanity: 1/10

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