Story: This early 80s workplace training video hopes to have you on guard against the criminal hordes, those pesky shoplifters that have overrun the stores. This video runs about fifteen minutes and guides through a brisk look at the world of retail theft, from the perspective of business owners, of course. You’ll learn how to be on your toes, spot a potential thief, do recon work to witness the theft, how to confront a shoplifter, and what to do once you’ve wrangled a member of the criminal hordes. All told in an offbeat, nostalgic style that makes the short memorable and even quotable.

Entertainment Value: I am so glad I ran across this short on YouTube, as I had a blast watching Shoplifters: The Criminal Hordes, which is also such a fantastic title. Even at only fifteen minutes, this video packs in a lot and takes us on quite a journey through retail. I loved the rundowns on the tactics and equipment, which are complete with reenactments that just never fail to entertain. The hilarious “hide merchandise in a carton of cigarettes” was a highlight, but the best moment had to be when the narrator warned about women who could hide stolen items between their legs. The entire short is filled with wackiness like that, presented as totally serious of course, with outlandish reenactments to cherish. This is also steeped in early 80s vibes as well, so this is also a nostalgic trip that lets us revisit the atmosphere from decades ago. I loved this short and if you appreciate time capsule curios, don’t miss Shoplifters: The Criminal Hordes.

Use this YouTube link to watch Shoplifters: The Criminal Hordes!