Plot: Miya (Katie Leclerc) is at a good place in her life, as her business thrives and she is about to get married, to a man she deeply loves and appreciates, Ian (Jeff Schine). She couldn’t be more excited about not just her walk down the aisle, but the bright future that lies ahead. But at a party for Ian’s mother, an unexpected visitor arrives and causes Miya some discomfort. Ian’s ex Lori (Hannah Barefoot) shows up and Miya is more than a little concerned, especially since Ian has told her that Lori was quite erratic and unstable in the past. Soon strange things begin to happen, including the presence of a mysterious woman in a bridal gown that tries to attack Miya, but Lori always seems to have an alibi. As the odd events continue, Miya is certain that Ian’s ex is behind the incidents, but as she can’t prove it, some begin to think that Miya herself has started to unravel. Is she just breaking down under the stress of the wedding and Lori’s return, or is a dark force at work?

Entertainment Value: This is a fun one, a Lifetime thriller that has rampant melodrama, relationship dysfunction, and unstable emotions galore, all brought to life by a more than capable ensemble. The narrative is geared toward the melodrama, with a lot of twists, turns, and false leads, leading to a wild finale that caps off all the dialed up drama quite well. I love when these Lifetime thrillers swing for the fences in terms of crazed characters and emotional dysfunction, so I had a lot of fun with this one, even if it doesn’t rank with the network’s wildest offerings. A Bride’s Revenge does pull out a lot of stops to deliver the melodrama however, even throwing in some light horror elements, which help the movie stand out from its peers. The tone is reined in just enough and often enough to keep it serious in tone, so even those who prefer a more traditional style thriller should find entertainment here. I much prefer the tuned up dysfunction that appears, but the balance is fairly well executed, though as I’ve said, it leans toward the over the top drama. The pace is brisk, thanks in part to the kinetic narrative and ample twists, with enough bursts of melodrama to ensure you’re always given some kind of drama to bask in. So if you like dialed up Lifetime thrillers, A Bride’s Revenge is a fun, well crafted ride.

A thriller like this one can live or die by the leads involved, as a capable villain and likable protagonist can work wonders. In this case, we have both those bases covered and A Bride’s Revenge delivers some fun performances, as both of those roles have been filled with talented performers. Katie Leclerc has the central role and radiates the kind of grounded, almost wholesome vibes this kind of character needs, while she is given better material to work with than most Lifetime good girls. She has decent awareness and doesn’t come off as this clueless, naive presence, so she doesn’t frustrate or make us root against her. This is actually a big win, as a lot of the Lifetime good girls are just plain oblivious as their lives collapse around them. Lifetime veteran Hannah Barefoot is a fun “love to hate” character as well, as she is so cold and conniving, yet always seems to have her bases covered. This adds a lot to the cat & mouse aspect of A Bride’s Revenge, as nothing is ever what it seems and that allows for a good amount of twists and turns to unfold here. The cast also includes Jeff Schine, Ben Gavin, Kendra Carelli, and Charles Christopher.

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