Plot: Edgar Frog (Corey Feldman) has turned hunting vampires into an art, but he has fallen on hard times of late. A close friend was turned into a vampire on his last real assignment, which drove him into exile and Edgar has been burned out ever since. This has resulted in some severe financial woes, to the point that even his meager lifestyle is no longer sustainable. So when he is approached by Gwen (Tanit Phoenix Copley) with a request to pick up the stake once again, he hesitates, but knows he must put down the bloodsuckers. A huge rave is about to go down, at which Gwen’s brother is likely to be used as a human sacrifice, but Edgar is also concerned with The Thirst, a new designer drug made from vampire blood. Edgar is a little rusty, but can he take down a nest one more time and save San Cazador from the fanged invaders?

Entertainment Value: I liked Lost Boys: The Tribe more than most, but it was more or less a reboot of sorts, with a few connective threads to the original. In Lost Boys: The Thirst, we have a sequel that embraces the b movie vibes and leans into the nostalgia, with fun results. I know some might bemoan the lack of dark, stylish atmosphere from the first movie, but I think The Thirst compensates with capable action scenes, nice callbacks, and a wild performance from Corey Feldman. He was the highlight of The Tribe and that trend continues here, though he is surrounded by colorful performers and doesn’t have to shoulder as much of the movie. I think his presence and the reunion of the Frog brothers in general is likely enough to lure back fans of the original, but that is just one of the links to the original picture. The pace is excellent, with little downtime and with a shorter duration, The Thirst never slows down or feels drawn out, so it is a fun, brisk ride. If you’re a fan of The Lost Boys or vampire style b movies, give The Thirst a shot.

No nakedness. The movie has some sexual elements and teases a little skin, but no actual nudity is on showcase this time around. The Thirst has some fun vampire violence however, which is even more fun than usual thanks to Edgar’s creative arsenal of anti-vampire weapons. This is one series that knows how to give the vampires a proper exit, so we have exploding deaths complete with nice bursts of the red stuff. There’s also impalement trauma, some splashy bite wounds, some holy water assaults, gunshot wounds, and assorted other bits of violence. Not a blood soaked epic, but some fun instances of crimson being tossed around. As with The Tribe, most of the best lines are from Corey Feldman and he really makes the most of them, with a colorful and over the top performance. But Casey B. Dolan is able to get Feldman to up his game even more and the two have some terrific banter, so while Feldman shines, Dolan is able to keep pace at times. As for craziness, there is Feldman’s campy performances and some b movie vibes, but The Thirst never really goes broke and is content to keep things somewhat under control.

Nudity: 0/10

Blood: 4/10

Dialogue: 3/10

Overall Insanity: 3/10

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